Day 5: New York
After our Boston show we hopped straight into the van and drove three hours to a motel in Fairfield (CT) as we had an early radio spot in New York the next morning. I would like to welcome our wonderful manager Jake Snell to the touring party. He will be accompanying us all the way to SXSW in Austin.
We had an early start yesterday getting on the road at 8.30am to make it to our 10am WFUV session on the Fordham University campus. They had a large and extremely well equipped studio in which they filmed us performing a couple of songs, and then a quick interview. For breakfast I had an English muffin with peanut butter, a hard boiled egg, and some porridge with fruit.
Fordham University Campus
We next headed to 48th Street in Manhattan to do an acoustic session for Sirius XMU, the satellite radio provider. While we were there I ate an overpriced midtown hotdog and we took photos at the nearby Rockefeller Plaza.
In the evening we played a sold-out show at the 600 capacity Williamsburg Music Hall in Brooklyn. The venue sound was excellent and it felt like we played really well.
Afterwards we had the pleasure of catching up with Evan Blumgart, the former baritone saxophonist of the Babyshakes. He has been living in New York for the past ten years and he put his local knowledge to good use by taking us to a lovely dive bar.
Evan and Jon
Jake and Liz
I'm very proud to announce that Beth of the day goes to Jake Snell for driving us all around Manhattan and then staying with the van for two hours when we couldn't find a park for the Sirius radio session. Congratulations Jake!