Day 16: Strasburg VA
Yesterday we did a morning radio session in Nashville and then drove ten hours to Strasburg, VA.
Our day started with a very unsavoury 7am wake up as the bus pulled into the carpark of WNXP’s studio in Nashville. After an hour of carefully warming up our picking wrists and vocal chords we set up in WNXP’s Sonic Cathedral and played a very efficient session of three songs followed by a short interview. Then we were straight out the door and Robert had us on the road by 10am blasting along the i40 on an Easterly heading.
Jonathan admires some of the studio equipment.
Breakfast was achieved with a stop at a Huddle House (similar to a Waffle House). I ordered an MVP - hash brown, fried eggs, sausage cakes, biscuits and gravy, and a waffle.
I had a huge nap in the afternoon but woke up to watch the last part of the drive through the handsome Virginia countryside.
Crossing New River near Radford, VA.
In the evening we enjoyed a screening of Lexi Alexander’s 2008 masterpiece Punisher Warzone. I’ve already posted about this film on a previous tour but I’ll share my highlights reel again for anyone interested. Please be careful because it is quite disgusting.
Today I’ll take you on a tour of the guts of the bus - the twelve state of the art bunk beds located between the primary and secondary lounges. Each bed is equipped with a twelve-fold curtain, an LED lamp, a 140v power outlet, two foot-air vents, an elastic storage mesh, and an compact plastic shelf.