Sydney day 5: Travel day
Yesterday we spent our final day in Sydney and flew to Adelaide.
We had stored our two bananas in Liz’s hotel room but luckily she left them out for us so we could put together a nutritious breakfast. Tristan served up this exquisite creation - Vogel’s Crunchy Oat Clusters - Blackberry, Blueberry, Cranberry flavour, with banana and milk.
Taking the best value deal at the bouldering gym meant paying for a week-long pass so we were back there again yesterday making the most of our investment. Our bodies were fairly upset to be exercised for yet another morning but we gave it everything and used up the last of our strength, ending the session barely able to hang onto the wall let alone climb anything.
We got to see some off the staff creating new climbing puzzles and there were heaps of fresh ones all ready for us to try.
Tristan fared worst of all. His drumming blisters had started to come off on bouldering day one and by bouldering day three both hands were barely holding together. He is a man who likes to triumph under adversity though and as the skin gradually peeled from his palms his smile grew and his resolve strengthened.
For his positive attitude Tristan is awarded 10 boints, 8 for his fingers and 2 for the thumbs of his de-calloused hands.
While we were having lunch we experienced the closest thunderclaps we had ever heard. It felt like we were sitting next a cannon being fired. People walking past jumped and cowered. A small dog had to be carried by its owner. It rained heavily for the rest of afternoon.
My bridge of the day is the Nigel Love Bridge, a 50-metre single span curved box girder design that carries four lanes of automobile traffic over the Alexandra Canal. The structure was completed in 2016 and honours famed Australian aviator and flour miller Wing Commander Nigel Borland Love. For its gloriours 50 metres the Nigel Love bridge is awarded 50 boints.
This beauty can be glimpsed right before you get to Sydney Airport.
We took off around 8.30pm and flew towards the sunset managing to keep it in view for the first hour of the flight before it outran us and left for Western Australia. It was a pleasantly smooth journey and we were glad to leave the storm that was still moving across Sydney’s expanse.
We were also glad to arrive in South Australia, the home of wine. Four free airport trolleys carried our equipment to a waiting Kia Carnival, which then carried us and our equipment on the final leg of the journey to the city.
The welcoming graphic at Adelaide airport’s arrival area.
For friend of the blog Annabel who requested a more colourful boints graph.