Day 10: Austin TX


Yesterday we traveled 10 hours from El Paso to Austin where we stayed in the outskirts of the city for a rest day. We entered the third timezone of the tour and the second timezone just within the state of Texas, leaving El Paso’s Mountain Time for greater Texas’ Central Time.

My day began as we tore along Route 290 through Texas Hill Country on the approach to Austin. Robert had driven us all through the night and was excited to finally reach the city that was home to his favourite BBQ restaurant.

There have been several requests to see Robert’s impressive parking skills in action and luckily during this approach into the hotel carpark I happened to be in the right place at the right time. This is obviously not a high pressure situation but it’s still a great demonstration of his prowess.

Tristan and I went for a walk to secure breakfast which in this case was from a local Korean - Mexican fusion restaurant called Chinos Fusion Hacienda. I ordered a pork belly rice bowl with an extra sausage.

It was a rest day spent largely pushing papers and washing washing. In the early evening Tristan and I caught the last dregs of daylight and went for a run down the Williamson Creek.

Later on in the evening we watched the Olympics and I learned a lot about ski jumping thanks to these excellent info-graphics on the Olympics channel. I took a small video of one of the jumps to so you can see how the sport works however I’ve had some trouble with the Olympic censorship team on Youtube so I’ve had to pass it through some filtering software to blur out the details.

The film screening yesterday was Days of Thunder starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. It follows the career of NASCAR driver Cole Trickle as he navigates emotions, love, speed, and racing ovals, in an effort to win the race and the heart of his lover.

There has been a huge demand for fresh worgles so I’ve been working night and day to get this one fine tuned for you. Don’t forget to slide your finger down the diagonals!


Day 11: Austin TX


Day 9: El Paso TX