Day 11: Perth, pt 2
Yesterday we had a rest day in Perth. Liz and Jon spent the day productively working on projects of their own, while Tristan and I awoke very late and spent the afternoon and evening exploring Freemantle.
I went to Breadtop bakery for breakfast and ate a vege curry hash brown and a honey cheese roll.
Tristan and I then rode the train out to 'Freo' and went for a walk along the waterfront, ending up at the historic submarine slipways where we saw the HMAS Ovens, a cold war era submarine that is now part of the maritime museum.
We then headed to the beach and enjoyed reading our books accompanied by a cold beer and a splendid sunset.
As the light faded and the temperature began to drop I scored an easy point for lending a chilly Tristan my jumper.
We left the beach and walked down to South Freemantle where we ate a delightful Italian meal at Ruocco's Pizzeria.
Jonathan's day was spent working on edits for the new Hans Pucket record which we are all extremely excited about.
Hans Pucket
Liz did some songwriting and acquired four new animals on Stardew Valley.
Beth of the day goes to Liz for productivity, good gaming, buying shin ramen, and going shopping for lunch ingredients in preparation for our day trip today. Solid work Liz, a diverse array of achievements.