Day 18: Salisbury
Yesterday we played at End Of The Road festival in the Larmer Tree Gardens in Salisbury.
We set off on the A27 along England's South coast, enjoying two castle sightings within the first hour. We had subway for breakfast and I ordered a mega-melt, and for some reason added spinach, pickles, aioli, and barbeque sauce.
Driving through Southampton we ticked off Pirate Flag from the tour photo bingo list.
Upon arrival at End Of The Road we made our way through a multi-layered defense of festival volunteers until we found our stage. I should mention that the volunteer staff were absolutely lovely, and went above and beyond the call of duty to help us out.Liz earned a point when we arrived at the green room for remembering this wifi password correctly: LARM3RBackstage19
We had a couple of hours to spare before soundcheck so I went to watch Stella Donnelly play. She sounded amazing and punctuated her performance with cool dance moves inspired by her favourite band The Wiggles.
Our set at the Woods stage was in the middle of the afternoon and was surprisingly well attended. The sound engineer did an amazing job and we played one of our best shows of the tour.
📸 Cerys Kenneally.
Afterwards we ate dinner and then headed to our campsite to pitch the tent. It was a joint effort led by several different project managers which eventually led to a respectable erection. Jonathan scored points for straightening out all the bent pegs, and for standing inside the tent holding the centre pole throughout the whole process, a job in which he was so uncomplaining that noone knew he was there. Later in the evening we went to watch Mitski's set which was spectacular. Please excuse everyone around me talking through the song.
Our second performance was just after midnight at the Teepee stage. We slammed cups of tea to stay awake and managed to push through our exhaustion and play another really fun set.
📸 Cerys Kenneally.
Beth of the day goes to EOTR volunteer Janice who told us how to talk our way into the best campsite, and gave us sweets while she was doing so. Thanks Janice. You are the volunteer of the year.