Day 41: Portland, pt 2
Yesterday we spent the day in the Happy Valley at Pickathon festival. We played our last show of the tour and enjoyed having an evening off to watch some music.
We arrived at Pickathon late in the morning and were taken straight to our stage to get ready. We arrived too late for breakfast so we ended up playing the our hangriest set of the tour. Luckily the festival staff brought us a fresh urn of coffee and had food waiting for us right after we finished. The delicious meal was fried bread, chickpea salad, and a turkey sandwich.
Garett T Caps and his band played a ripping set right before us on the Woods stage.
Liz scored a point for returning the spent coffee urn to the kitchen.
Pickathon is a three day festival that takes place at Pendarvis Farm in the Happy Valley, outside Portland, Oregon. It is staffed by 1500 volunteers who receive a ticket in exchange for 18 hours of their time. It focuses on sustainability and all of the cups/plates/cutlery are reusable. They use a low-emission diesel fuel and there is an on-site solar array that offsets energy used over the weekend. They also have a team of volunteers working full-time throughout the festival composting and recycling a large part of the waste.
Tristan picks wild blackberries from one of the many bushes found around the farm.
Our last task of the day was playing a couple of songs for a live video shoot, which was a nice wind-down for what has been a long tour. We caught up with our wonderful friend Dave Depper who had arrived fresh off the plane from the Deathcab For Cutie show in Chicago. He wanted to stay out of the limelight so I don't have any photos of him but he took a couple of nice shots of us at the video shoot.
📸 Dave Depper
📸 Dave Depper
In the evening we watched Julia Jacklin perform a breathtakingly beautiful set at the Treeline stage.
Beth of the day goes to Liz for packing our gear into the buggy by herself, for a coffee urn return, and for doing a great job of remembering people's names. Great job Liz, ending the tour on a high!
We are now on vacation for a couple of weeks before we head to Europe for a few more weeks of touring.
If anything interesting happens I will do a travel update before we leave the US.
Otherwise, catch you all on the next one!
Thanks for reading,