Day 16: Austin, pt 2
Yesterday was our second day in Austin for the SXSW (South By Southwest) music festival.
We had a gentle start yesterday and played some cricket in the driveway of our Airbnb before heading into the city.Our first show of the day was at a venue on Red River Street called Cheer Up Charlie's which hosts a nice outdoor stage and and the great vegan burger truck Arlo's. I ate breakfast there which consisted of tater tots and a beer.
Our second show was at The Sidebar on 7th Street. We watched one of our favourite bands Illuminati Hotties play before us and they were amazing, however the sound engineer did an atrocious job. Luckily for us Jonathan muscled in (tactfully) and did our line-check himself before we played so in the end I think we sounded okay.
Illuminati Hotties punch it at The Sidebar.
After our show we ate dinner at Arlo's and then headed to Beerland to watch Illuminati Hotties for the second time. As we watched them setting up we saw that they were getting electric shocks from the microphone. Luckily Jonathan showed his mettle once more and hopped up on stage, showing the sound engineer how to fix the issue.
Beth of the day was a difficult choice yesterday. Ben earned points on several fronts such as programming the coffee machine to turn on in the morning, remembering to bring merch to the gigs, and buying everyone tater tots for breakfast. Unfortunately for Ben, Jonathan took the win hands down for rescuing two gigs in a single day without breaking a sweat.
Nice job Jon, you deserve this.