Day 8: Philadelphia, Pt 2
We stayed in Philadelphia for an extra day to do a session at WXPN and then had a welcome night off.
I had an excellent sleep-in and then for breakfast an even better bacon and egg bagel.
I headed out for a walk down to the Delaware River saw several proud old ships and a beautiful suspension bridge.
Submarine USS Becuna, launched 1944. 1500 Tonnes.
Cruiser USS Olympia, commissioned in 1892. 6,694 tonnes.
Battleship USS New Jersey, launched 1942. 58,000 tonnes.
Benjamin Franklin Bridge, opened in 1926. Total length of 3000m (9,500ft)((114,000 inches)). Longest span is 533 metres. Carries 7 car lanes, 2 railroad tracks and 2 sidewalks. 56,000 tonnes.
Photo credit Tristan Deck.
In the afternoon we had a session at WXPN, the public radio station located on Walnut Street in the city centre. The studio was a dream to play in and we had a lovely time working with Chris, the house engineer.
Photo credit Jacob Snell.
My highlight of the afternoon was listening to Jonathan and Chris talk about the pros and cons of the Sennheiser MD 431 microphone."I just happened to glance into your mic locker Chris and noticed you had a couple of the 431s in there..."
The Sennheiser MD 431 Super-Cardioid Dynamic Microphone.
We went to a great Thai restaurant for dinner and then watched the classic but ultimately underwhelming John Hughes film 'Pretty In Pink'.
Andrew McCarthy and Molly Ringwald in 'Pretty In Pink'.
Beth of the day goes to Liz for drawing a really good Beths logo on the wall at WXPN, and for proposing a change to the Beth of the day system in which the points roll over after bedtime instead of on the next calendar day. Well done Liz!